2011年11月27日 星期日

Prague, Czech Republic : the western city in East Europe

Many people think of Prague together with Paris, Vienna and other European cities.  When we visited Praque in late September this year, we could see fashion show in the street, thousands of tourists in every parts of the city and enjoyed the warm weather. 

Prague is the capital city of Czech Republic.  The Vltara River flows through the city and provides it an easy mean of transportation and water. 

(Beautiful mechanical clock tower near the city square)

Many people may still remember the Prague Spring that induced the invasion of Czechoslovakia by Soviet Union and its allies in 1968.  In fact, Prague is also the home of an early church reformer, Jan Hus.  As a priest and a scholar, Hus had voiced out for reform in the Catholic Church early in the 14th century.  His stature in the city square was painted in black when the Soviet tanks entered the city after the Prague Spring.

(Jan Hus stature in the city square)

When you are in Praque, you will not miss the Prague Castle.  It stands close to the Vltara River and overlooks the city.  It was used by the former Habsbury emperors.  Franz Kafka's Le Castle wrote about the stories of its nobles and ordinary people in the Castle.  The President office of Czech Republic is now housed there.

(Local students attending their lesson in the Praque Castle) 

(Tomas Masaryk, the first President of Czechoslovakia)

Walking down the Castle, you will reach the Vltara River.  You can cross the river by the famous Charles Bridge.  There are many beautiful statures along both sides of the bridge.  You can see the city buildings along the river.

(City view from the Charles Bridge)

(Bridge tower of the Charles Bridge)

