2011年11月8日 星期二

Vienna, Austria : art and architecture

Vienna has been the capital city of the Austria Empire for several centuries.  The city has drawn in a lot of talents around Europe to build up its impressive art and architecture.  Recently, my wife and I visited Vienna.  We were able to see a few of its baroque architecture and modern buildings.   

The Schonbrunn Palace is a good sample of the baroque  architecture. It was originally a royal pleasure and hunting ground.  Under the reign of Empress Maria Theresia in the 18th century, Schonbrunn was transformed into a show piece of baroque architecture.  Its beautiful painting and sculpture inside the palace offer lovely setting for musical events and performing arts.  The grand garden landscaping is ideal for staging of out door festivals, ceremonial occasions and firework displays.  

(One of the two fountains in the entrance courtyard of the Palace)

(Brass casting inside the Palace)

(Lovely garden facade in the Palace)
(Classical sculpture in the garden)

Vienna also has many interesting modern architecture.  The Hundertwasser House is one of them.  It was built by the Viennese artist, Friedensreich Hundertwasser, in 1985 as a public housing.  The building was decorated with artistic facades and roof gardens.
This reminds me of the Gaudi architecture in Barcelona, Spain.

(Exterior decoration of the Hundertwasser House)

(Small fountain in the house entrance)

Vienna is also well known for its musical art. Vienna Boys' Choir and the Vienna Orchestra are world famous.  That is why Vienna has many great musical halls.  The Vienna state opera house, Staatsoper, is located in the city center.  Next time you are in Vienna, you should visit it and enjoy one of its musical shows.

