2012年1月10日 星期二

Emei Mountain, China : a great destination for hiking

Emei Mountain is about 3,100 meters in height.  It is situated in the north-west of Sichuan basin.  Going further west, you can reach the Tibet plateau.  Emei is one of the four, and the tallest, scared Buddhist mountains of China.  In the past Christmas, my wife and I had great experience climbing up the Emei mountain.

Emei Mountain is rich in vegetation.  There are water streams and rapids along the walking paths.  If you love hiking, you will enjoy the journey walking up to the mountain top.  There are local hostels along the way for those who like to stay over night in the mountain.  Due to time constraint, we took the eco-bus and cable car to about 2,500 meters level.  Then, we walked up to the mountain top.

When we walked out the cable car station, snow had covered all buildings, trees and walking paths.  We had to move slowly and to avoid the slippy ice along the paths.  However, the scenery was just great.  Here are few photos that we took near the mountain top.

(Evergreen trees covered by snow)

(Snow covered walking path to the mountain top - beautiful and peaceful)

(The silver temple in Emei top)

(The main temple)

(The famous Emei gold peak)

(The snow cap indicated the wind direction)

Emei Mountain is a great place to watch sunrise.  With good weather, cloud can be seen floating below the mountain top.  It is a magnificent picture with the Emei gold peak shining under the early sun rays.  We look forward to coming back to Emei again.

Sichuan is home of the world famous pandas.  During our trip, we did not miss the chance of seeing these lovely creatures.  Here are their photos that we took in Chengdu.


