2011年1月9日 星期日

Xian, China : East end of the Silk Road

Xian is used to called Chang'an (meaning "long peace").  It was the capital for several Chinese dynasties.  The development of Chang'an reached its peak during the Tang Dynasty.  It was a major political and commercial center with about a million population.  Many Silk Road traders, including the Sogdians, also settled in Chang'an.  If you are interested to know more about their stories, you can read Schafer, Edward H. The golden peaches of Samarkand. Berkeley, California, 1963. 

(The Bell tower in Xian)

If you visit Xian for the first time, you need to spend at least three to four days there.  With its long history, there are many museums and cultural centers to visit.  The Qin Terracotta Army Museum is one of the popular ones.  Archaeologists are still working on the site forty year after the first find of terracotta soldier.  Their next big project is to unearth the Qin Emperor Tomb.

(Terracotta army)

(Archaeologist team at work)
There are many more interesting places to visit in Xian, including the Shaanxi History Museum, the towering Famen Pagoda and the Stele Forest.  Xian has experienced rapid development in recent years.  Many modern hotels and office buildings are erected in the city.  Like many Chinese cities, traffic in Xian is getting more crowded. 

