2011年1月6日 星期四

Jiaohe Ancient City, Xinjiang : an oasis in the desert

Jiaohe was one of the ancient cities along the Silk Road.  It was first built over two thousand years ago.   It had witnessed the ups and downs of the trade route.  It was also on the crossroad of different civilizations.

(Jiaohe ancient city)
Jiaohe was one of the thirty-six ancient city states in the Western Region of China.  The Han Dynasty extended its control over the trade route by installing its garrison government in the city.  Jiaohe reached its peak during the Tang Dynasty.  Buddhism also enjoyed its favourable development in the city.  Jiaohe was under the control of the Uighur Kingdom from the ninth century until the Mongols took over about four centuries later.  Continuous wars and fighting had put the city in ruins.   

(Jiaohe city ruins)
It is interesting to know that the city was dug up from the surface.  Instead of building above the surface, ancient people dug below the surface to create their houses and temples.  The city was surrounded by river that also cut deep into the surface and formed its protective terrains. 

Nowadays, Uighur farmers still live near the city in the oasis.  When I first visited Jiaohe thirty years ago, I saw cotton fields along the river.  This time, I found vineyards instead.  Local farmers dried their grapes with the hot desert air in the storage houses (see photo below). 

(Storage house for drying grapes)

