2011年3月15日 星期二

China picturous mountains : Huang Shan

China has many beautiful mountains that people love to hike.  Some of these mountains are not too high.  However, the shapes of their rock formations, water flows and combination of different vegetation form beautiful pictures.  Recently, we have visited Huang Shan, Zhangjiajang, Danxia Shan.  We like to share with you pictures of these beautiful mountains in the following posts.

Huang Shan (Yellow Mountain) is located in Southeast of China and South of the Yangtze River.  It has long been one of the most popular tourist locations in China.  People are attracted by its picturous pine trees and granite rocks.  It also offers great locations to watch sunrise and sunset.  Its height is only about 1000 meters.  There are snow falls in the winter and vegetation change colours during different seasons.

Climbing up the Huang Shan requires strong legs.  In order to enjoy the scenery in leisure, you should plan to stay in the mountain top hotels for two to three nights.  Experienced hikers like to walk through the mountain from south to north or from north to south in two days.

When you come up to Huang Shan, you will find that there are many pink trees of different shapes.  Many of them grow from the high cliff.  These pine trees grow slowly because of limited soil and cold climate.  Many of them are older than 100 years. 

(Pine trees and hugh granite rocks)

(Pine tree in hanging cliff)

(Watch out for falling rock)
(Hostel in the mountain)

You can see beautiful sunrise in Huang Shan.  However, you need to get up before 4 a.m. and walk up the mountain for good locations.  After you see the sunrise, you will forget you hard work.  Do you miss the chance when you are in Huang Shan.  If you are luck, you can see the cloud see as well.

(Beautiful sunrise)

In order to protect Huang Shan from fires, the park management has non-smoking rule within the park areas.  Smokers should aware and follow the rule.  Another rule that traveller has to remember is conservation of food and water.  Everything has to be carried up the mountain by labours. 

(Local farmer carrying heavy load of rice uphill)
 Chinese painters and poets have devoted significant efforts in appraising pine trees for their straightness and ability to bear cold weather.  Huang Shan is very popular for Chinese paintings and modern photography.  After you visit Huang Shan, you can understand why.

