2013年1月2日 星期三

Tunisia : a beautiful country

Last December, my wife and I have an enjoyable visit to Tunisia.  It is a beautiful country with rich cultural mosaics and friendly people.

Tunisia is in the South Mediterranean with neighbouring countries, such as Italy and France in the North and in between Algeria and Libya.  With Mediterranean Sea in its North and East and Sahara Desert in its South, you can experience both maritime and desert climates in one trip.  December is a good time travelling there as the weather is warm and present.

(Beautiful sunset in the village of Sidi Bou Said)

(Lovely blue sky overlooking the Port El Kantaoui) 

(The Sahara Desert)

(The mountain oases and old Berber village in Chebika)

Many people heard of Tunisia because of its Jasmin Revolution two years ago.  This event led to many social uprisings in the Islamic world.  In fact, this is the second successful and peaceful people movement for Tunisia since its independence in 1956.

Tunisia has long history with many great cultures.  Phoenicians came to Tunisia in the early 1st millennium BC and found the great Carthage maritime empire.  After the famous Punic Wars between Carthaginians and Romans in the 3rd and 2nd century BC, the Romans became the new master of the Mediterranean and ruled over Tunisia for its important agriculture and trade.

With the Arab Muslim invasion in the 7th century AC, Tunisia gradually became part of the Islamic world.  Until the 19th century, the French exerted its influence and put Tunisia under its protectorate status until its independence.

(Ruins of Carthage town near the Cape Bon)

(Well preserved Roman amphitheater in El Djem)

(The majestic temples of Jupiter (Zeus), Juno (Hera) and Minerva (Athena) in Sufetula)

(The Great Mosque in Kairouan)

During our trip, we saw many beautiful arts and architectures.  In the next two posts, we shall share more about Tunisia's arts and handcrafts.  Also, we shall talk more about its original people, the Berbers.

